Wednesday, October 7, 2015

MY BROTHER AND SISTER( Noor Irda Fatin Binti Jamil )

Hello. today I want to share the story of my siblings. I have four siblings, three girls and a boy. My sister was studying at the University Utara Malaysia,Degree in Development Management Department. My brother was fifteen and he will sit PT3 this year in SMK Yan. And now he is busy studying for exams to be faced. While my younger sister named Balqis now seven years old. Despite her small articulate as an adult.

Every year, our family will go on holiday together to spend time with my parents. Usually we will travel to the island to strengthen family relationships that have been built. On holiday last year, Balqis was six years old. During that trip she was very funny character that reflected the joy on the face of mother and father.

Besides, I have a sister named Irdawany. She was very patient and enthusiastic in the face of life and always very independent in any situation. Thus she have a diploma last year.Now she has continue her studies in degree. My younger brother who is still in school secondary school now a hardworking and eager to revise the examination pt3 this year. He also a man who can be independent like my sister. he always helped my father during the school holidays at rice field.

Good luck for your future my siblings


  1. Tlg sampaikan pda noor irdawany yg sy ingin mohon minta maaf byk2.. tlg terima sy skadar kwn biasa pun dh cuma nk tgk dia bahagia jer..

  2. Mmg betul kata kata dia.. sy menyesal sgt2...
